This leather handbag is a unique and durable leather well made and designed for all purposes. It's made using real leather. The bag has compartments for a laptop, books, cash, car keys, etc. Place your order thank you.
Interior open pocket with metal brand logo. Magnetic front closure. Signature handwoven cross stitch on top handles and front panel. Hands-free cross-body strap.
Do not overload your bagAvoid exposing your leather goods to humidity and direct sources of heat (radiators, sun)Prevent any contact with alcohol (perfume, solvent) and greasy substances (make-up)To clean your leather goods, wipe with a clear, non-abrasive and soft dry cloth.
1% of the proceeds from every item sold goes towards our Social Initiatives Fund to support mentoring, education and internship programs in partnership with our designers in their home country in Africa.
H 12.7cm x W19cmx D 7cm
Genuine Leather andSuede inner lining.
Shipped from Nigeria, and West Africa from our marketplace seller.
Estimated delivery is 3 - 7 working days from the date of dispatch.
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